Aino Halonen. Product designer.

Applying the future of emerging technology for everyday use. Bridging the gap between complex concepts for accessible application. Currently innovating at UXD Lab.


I channel my curiosity for technology to reimagine the boundaries of design. Take a peek into one of my select projects below.

What i do

I balance aesthetics with technology for lasting and meaningful impact.


product Design

Crafting human-centered digital experiences that solve complex challenges. I create everything from concept ideation to polished interfaces, I transform intricate problems into elegant, scalable solutions through strategic UX/UI design.


creative direction

I turn ideas into reality through my multi-faceted skills in branding, graphic design, 3D modeling, coding, and dynamic video content. I craft visual narratives that leave lasting impressions to resonate across numerous audiences.



My strength in leading end-to-end design operations and product strategy give businesses real results. I leverage my expertise in product management, design leadership, and strategic consulting to guide projects from concept to market.